Sam Cassin

Dip Professional Pilates Instruction – PITC

Growing up in Sydney and working as a florist at a busy city-based company, we moved up to the Central Coast in 2015 for a better lifestyle. I found myself re-evaluating how I wanted to spend the rest of my working career.

After having my two kids (Billie and Beau) and renovating a few houses, it was time to find something I was passionate about. Something that could give me the ability to continue to grow and learn. This is where I was so lucky to find Renae. I have practiced Pilates myself for about 15 years, 7 of those with Renae, and coming to the R.B.P studio made me see how much Pilates had to give to such a broad array of people.

So here I am 2.5 years still practicing, learning and teaching all the fabulous clientele that come through our doors. Can’t wait to see you in the studio, lets get those bodies moving!