A number of versions of Pilates are taught today and the majority are based on up to nine principles.
The original six principles were:
“It’s the mind itself which builds the body.” Joseph Pilates
Pilates is often referred to as the “THINKING PERSON WORKOUT”. The Principles of the method, is what makes it so unique, it encourages you to unite your mind and body, creating a wonderful harmonious balance.
The principles of Pilates encourage you to harmoniously stimulate your brain and body. Each principle must be alive and present during each and every exercise to reap the rewards of this system. This full body workout is ideal for all level of fitness.
When Joseph H Pilates created his system back in the 1920’s, he was governed by these principles, not only to improve and master each exercise but to improve every facet of your life. With commitment to yourself and the system ,you will develop strength, flexibility, re-educate muscle recruitment patterns, improve balance and develop beautiful poise. What are these wonderful principles that need to be present when we exercise ?
Once you understand and practise these principles during you regular Pilates session, you will see and feel them flow over into your everyday activities.

Is a vital part of Pilates. It requires you to constantly be aware of how you are moving in space, maintaining correct postural alignment and of course breathing. Mindful movement is so important to help activate correct muscle patterning so injuries don’t occur
“It’s the mind itself which builds the body” J.H. Pilates

Having total control over your body reduces sloppy movements, thus reducing the risk of injuries. Each exercise should be performed slowly ,so you can control every aspect of every movement. Developing a powerhouse and technique is vital for every “body”.
“Be in control of your body and not at it’s mercy” J.H. Pilates

Movement must begin and be controlled from somewhere and that somewhere is your Centre. All Pilates exercises must radiate from your center. We call this your “POWERHOUSE”. It is made up of your abdominals, upper and lower back, glutes and inner thighs.
A strong Centre (powerhouse) allows the rest of the body to move and follow with ease. Once understood, watch this carry over into your daily activities.

My favourite principle, Precision is about being precise n every movement you do, from the placement of your limbs to isolating individual muscle groups to even having the correct breathing patterns. Precision requires discipline, focus and hard work. Its about the quality of the movement, not sloppy movements with high repetitions.

Technique is a major part of Pilates but the flow and transitions of exercises is what makes Pilates so unique. With this principle, over time your body will develop smooth, controlled , continuous movement, building on your strength and endurance. This is a key principle to helps you assess on how you are processing.
“Change happens through movement and movement heals” J.H.Pilates

A key principle not just for Pilates but everyday life. Most of us don’t breath properly during daily activities, so the challenge is to focus on your breath while moving during controlled movement. Conscious breathing and controlled movement allows oxygen to feed into your cells, to replenish and restore nutrients back into your body.
“Above all learn how to breath properly”